Netflix Fucker (DEAD)

Today I’m presenting to you latest Team Optimus Netflix checker beta version v6.5 also knows as Netflix Fucker. This checker captures Plan, Screen count, Quality, FHD, Expire, Language and Country. It will give you high CPM if you will use UHQ mean ultra-high quality proxies as you can see in the above image. If you want more tools like this then don’t forget to subscribe my YouTube channel.
If you like this tool, don’t forget to tell me in the comments and If you have any questions, you can contact me using the “Contact Me” page. I’ll reply to you as soon as possible. Note: Before you download the tool, make sure you check the VirusTotal link. If you find this is harmful, don’t use it on your personal computer. Use it on RDP, VPS, or sandbox. If you want to purchase RDP/VPS use this link to purchase furthermore you can get a 5% discount on your purchase by using this promo code “PJ”.
Please Remove Since tool is no longer functional
i want to understand one thing that what this grabers , combo makers or what u guys call them like slayer leecher sqli dumper n all they work on same na . they go on net search for the eyword you provided if they got some keyword on that site they copies that url and when u filter n grab them they just start taking out combo from provided link . thats was just my theory if wrong plz clr . if this is right then how slayer leecher is not so good as others . well today only i asked same question abt slayer is good for netflix on youtbe i m just telling to save ur time that u just dont reply here n their . and one more thing i wnt to know abt your web comment section u replied on my some questions but i dont have any notification i thought when sumbmiting reply u added mail option so their will be direct notification on mail that u replied …. so how we get come to now just we have to check again n again ? thnx sir
Well, grabbers simply grab proxies or combo lists from the different sources. Sqli dumper target those sites which can be injectable and it search sites base on your dorks. That’s why it will give you unique results. And Slayer leecher works on the basis of Pastebin. It gives you combo lists that are public. That is why sqli dumper is recommended for good combos but it’s not easy to get combos using sqli dumper. I’ll try to add the notification feature. Thanks for informing me.
CON EL COMBO DE slayer leecher 0.6
Slayer Leecher isn’t good for Netflix
i want to understand one thing that what this grabers , combo makers or what u guys call them like slayer leecher sqli dumper n all they work on same na . they go on net search for the eyword you provided if they got some keyword on that site they copies that url and when u filter n grab them they just start taking out combo from provided link . thats was just my theory if wrong plz clr . if this is right then how slayer leecher is not so good as others . well today only i asked same question abt slayer is good for netflix on youtbe i m just telling to save ur time that u just dont reply here n their . and one more thing i wnt to know abt your web comment section u replied on my some questions but i dont have any notification i thought when sumbmiting reply u added mail option so their will be direct notification on mail that u replied …. so how we get come to now just we have to check again n again ? thnx sir
se puede sacar con slayer leecher ….
Sorry I didn’t understand what are you saying?
hey again ! im using TSP ! the dork keywords are working on other engines !!! but mywebsearcher suddenly stopped working in EZ and I used rdp proxis vpn … non is working ! can you tell me what version you are using ??
Well, I didn’t use that I just run it and check the either it is working or not.
what version are u using sir ?
Hi, this cheker ban netflix accounts?
Nope, If you are using HQ proxies.
Some Hq proxy website low cost?
well I don’t know many websites but you can google it
hey sir ! sorry for disturbing ! concerning ez searcher , is it working for you ? mywebsearcher is not working at all ! not even with good proxies ! any idea about this problem ?
ez dork searcher?
yepppp true ! please check it
any news sir ?
Maybe your IP is banned try to use VPN.
did u test it yourself ? it is not about ip !! it is not working even with vpn and proxies !!!!
yeah, I tested and it’s working. You can try TSP dork generator.