BUFF Game Checker

Today I’m presenting to you my latest BUFF game checker v1.0. What is buff? BUFF is A loyalty program that rewards gamers simply for playing. Play the game and earn BUFF Coins without investment. If you want more detail about this site or app then you can google it. So let’s talk about the checker It captures username, balance, subscription status, etc. The speed of this checker is pretty good with IPVanish proxies I haven’t checked it with public proxies so be my guest. I hope you will like this checker and If you want to learn something new then don’t forget to check out my YouTube channel.
If you like this tool, don’t forget to tell me in the comments and If you have any question, you can contact me using the “Contact Me” page. I’ll reply to you as soon as possible. Note: Before you download the tool, make sure you check the VirusTotal link. If you find this is harmful, don’t use it on your personal computer. Use it on RDP, VPS, or sandbox.
I tried http s4 s5 proxies but none of them work. Why?
Make sure proxies are Good
and why don’t you use IPVanish proxies?
please origin full capture checker
Already available on my website but may skip hits
need giftnix /linode/strato/ toluna. config or checker
I think toluna config and checker both available on my website
can u make It like the newest checkers
It’s already the new checker?
when i try ti login says account has been blocked please i very Need a origin checker
Sorry but I don’t have new API for origin checker