Combo extractor

Combo extractor by tsp is a very useful tool. I know many of you will disagree with me because it’s just a simple tool that extracts your email: pass. When I used to do cracking I searched a lot for this kind of tool but my bad couldn’t find it. Then I have to do my work manually means copy each email: pass and paste it to another text that was quite disturbing. Suppose you have a hits file that is generated by a fortnite checker. Which contains email: pass of the account and other additional details like skins, Vbuks etc.

You want to use that text hits in another checker like Uplay, Origin or steam I don’t know about that it depends upon you. Then what you gonna do copy each email: pass to another text like me. Suppose you have 10k hits then imagine how long this thing gonna take. On the other hand, If you use combo extractor tool all you have to do load your text and click on “Extract” button this tool will automatically extract your email: pass as shown in the image. I hope you guys are going to like this tool.

If you like this tool, don’t forget to tell in the comments and If you have any question, you can contact me using the “Contact Me” page. I’ll reply to you as soon as possible. Note: Before you download the tool, make sure you check the VirusTotal link. If you find this is harmful, don’t use it on your personal computer. Use it on RDP, VPS, or sandbox.

How To Download



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