IPVanish Config

Here it is the one and only working config of IPVanish. I have checked it myself before uploading and got 25 hits. This config capture account type and expiration date. The expired account will go to custom. If you like this config then don’t forget to tell in comment. Also, check my latest youtube channel for cool stuff.
Config: IPVanish
Combo: Email: Pass
Capture: Yes
Proxy: YES
Recommended Bots: 80
Last Checked: 12/26/2019
Platform: OpenBullet
thank you very much for all your tuts, we want something for pof
Sure I’ll try my best and I’m glad you found my tutorial helpful
Any good and current settings for Vypr and CyberGhost?
I’ll upload it very soon
why when I want to check in openbulet with IPVANISH config there is a notification block processing: request (XENORIS) ??
XENORIS is the blocks name that is executing behind config.
Download leads to a .loli file, which is unusable.
Use Anomaly version.