PUBG Mobile Checker

Today I’m representing the new PUBG mobile checker v1.0. Since many of you guys were asking for this checker and here it is. The checker doesn’t capture any details like UC, Level, and other details. It works like Mobile Legends Bang Bang means you will only get working accounts with this checker.. It works great with IPVanish proxies but I haven’t tried this checker with public proxies so can’t tell you about that. If in the future I get the capture API I’ll surely update this one so let’s hope for the best. Note: these accounts will not log in on Facebook or Twitter you have to select the login with the email option to login into the account.
If you like this tool, don’t forget to tell me in the comments and If you have any question, you can contact me using the “Contact Me” page. I’ll reply to you as soon as possible. Note: Before you download the tool, make sure you check the VirusTotal link. If you find this is harmful, don’t use it on your personal computer. Use it on RDP, VPS, or sandbox.
hello bro, will this checker be new?
sorry this is very old and dead a long time ago
hi how are you sorry where can i download app??
this video will help you to download any app from this site
but this checker isn’t working anymore the API seems dead.
is it still worcking
Is it still working bruh?
Bro is it working now?
Kinda, because it does crack accounts but doesn’t know the problem either API or server suspend the account.
Broo i love ur checkers can you make a wordpress checker it with capture, it would be awesome, xslayer has made one but it no longer works
I’ll try
checker is work.. I found good accounts.. but cant log in those account.. it said suspecious activity detect eveytime i login.. i used vpn while login.. is there anything I am missing? or which vpn i need to use for login.
It seems API is dead again
New update not coming? For pubg mobile checker
sorry but not yet
Many users have complained that every account is baaned
bro, what about the checker, there will be an update
Maybe in future
Do you have a telegram channel?
Not telergam but you can join my discord
Not com back new pubg checker
Please update
Wait for new API
load combo file give me please bro
Not working now 😭😭😭
Well it happens API dies after sometime
It Is also regestring baned accounts as hits plz Fix that
BTW Lots Of Love <3
i cant log in its says verification code….
Maybe that account is protected with 2FA
ohh no its dead ):
I have updated the checker try now
now its worked but its so slow
Yeah It’s the API problem
still dead broo
what problem are you facing?
i Need a psn or a fortnite checker please🏳️
pj u are the best 4 making cool tools
Thanks for your compliment but I don’t have psn or fornite checker
oh where i can search and api for u?
well API is captured from web, phone and other source like that
It’s not working now fix it
I have fixed it try now
sir we need this checker please fix it
Try now
The tool stops The tool stops whenever you update it in order to work you update it in order to work?
Yeah I know API is dead
sir please udaate this asap i need the checker urgently
Try now
no does work on pubg the hits why
Hey sir?
why now i get only errors, its a checker offline
Checker is dead
oh no r.i.p
good old times XD
can u fix the problem?
thanks for your work
I have done some fixes try now
Please develop checker
can you make It full capture? please
Do you have discord link please
U can give me your telegram username ? Please
I don’t have telegram
load proxy file give me please bro
you can use my proxy leecher
hi can you do it full capture?
thanks for all
well I’m looking for capture API
oh, ok the checker its off now?
its working for you?
Nope It’s dead
now does It work can u make a update?
It’s dead and you have to wait until I find the new API
8 security vendors flagged this file as malicious – in Virus Total shld i install?
As this is my checker so you can freely use it on your personal computer it doesn’t contain any virus
bro every account banned 🙁 plz checker no banned <3
It doesn’t banned accounts those accounts were already banned
He sacado 10 Hits pero cuando las pruebo no inician sesion. Algun Problema?
Ocupo este enlace para probarlas:
I’m unable to understand can’t you speak English?
he said, that the checker give him fake hits, he got 10 hits and all were invalid
Ohhh get it